General rules
Before partaking in the compo we would like to ask you to read the general rule book first. You can find them on the website and it will apply to all compo’s that are being organized.
You can register for the hearthstone tournament at: https://play.toornament.com/en_US/tournaments/6646909102174625792/
the following information needs to be provided in order to successfully register:
4 standard legal decks of different classes (public) and their decklist (private, for admin use only)
Your battle.net ID (public)
Your discord name and seat number, so we can contact you in case of issues (private only visible to compo admin)
Tournament Format:
Important! The Death knight class is not currently available on the toornament site! Should you wish to bring a DK deck, simply select the other classes as you would normally, then select a fourth class you will not bring as a replacement for the Death Knight, this must clearly be communicated to your opponent before the ban phase, using the toornament lobby function. We recommend you use the warrior as a replacement icon since, spoiler alert, it is the worst class at the moment and predicted to be the least popular. Nevertheless, COMMUNICATE with your opponent to prevent misconceptions.
A maximum of 32 players will play 4 rounds of swiss, afterwards the top 4 will play a playoff to determine 1st, 2nd and 3rd place.
The tournament will be played in conquest format. Each player will bring 4 standard legal decks. All decks must be from different classes – for example, having two Mage decks in your lineup is not allowed.
The players will be able to ban 1 of their opponents decks, meaning they will not be allowed to use that deck. It is not allowed to switch up your decks mid tournament, by changing individual cards for your decks. A first infraction will result in a game loss, meaning the opponent will get a 1-0 lead in the match. For a second infraction on ‘side decking’, you will be disqualified from the tournament.
To play a round of Conquest, each player selects one of their decks to use for the first game, you do not need to announce which one to your opponent. Any deck that wins a game cannot be selected for the remainder of the round, meaning the winning player must move on to a different deck. The losing player may switch decks, but is not required that they do so. The winner of the round is the first player to win using each of their decks.
Submitting Decklists:
During registration, you will see 4 textboxes asking for a decklist. In these simply paste a link to someplace we can see the decklists. This can be a google drive folder with a screenshot of the decklists, an imgur link or from your deck tracker, as long as all cards are visible it is ok. Note, only the first textbox is mandatory, so that people who want to share all files via a single link can do so, but it is mandatory to submit 4 decklists or your registration will be denied.
Playing in the tournament:
The tournament will start Saturday 22 at 11:00 and will be played throughout the day. It is expected that the tournament will be able to fully finish within a day, however should we be significantly delayed, we can resume on Sunday 23 at 10:00.
The Hearthstone compo is a side compo, and should you also be participating in a MAIN compo (CSGO, Rocket league, Valorant, League of legends) you are expected to prioritize the main compo. If you are not able to play your round of hearthstone at the expected time, contact the compo admin and we will see if we can arrange something. However, if the time schedule becomes too tight, or your opponent refuses to delay the round you will be forced to forfeit the round.
Starting the game:
to start the game add your opponent’s battle.net account to your friends, this is public information, and should be available under ‘Participant – Information’. Then simply you go through the ban phase, remember to communicate if you brought death knight deck, and load into the game with one of your remaining 3 decks. you do not need to announce which deck. Repeat this process until a winner has been decided.
Reporting the results:
After the match is over the winner of the duel will fill out the match score. Points will be awarded based on the amount of games won. Under the ‘Match’ section fill out who won and the amount of games each player won.
Contact information:
Compo admin: Discord: Makishimu#1081