Fractal sponsors €1000 prize pool for the Rocket League 3vs3 tournament
We are very proud to announce Fractal as our official presenting partner of the Rocket League 3vs3 tournament.
They will provide the Rocket League 3vs3 competition with a prize pool of 1.000€. The finals of this tournament will be played on the esports stage and will be broadcasted on Twitch by a Belgian caster duo.
The prize money will be divided as follows:
- 1st place: €600
- 2nd place: €300
- 3rd place: €100
General rules
Before competing in this compo we advise you to read the general rulebook, these rules will be in effect during the whole compo.
Compo Rules
A group of 3 members who are participants of the 666-lan are able to compete in this compo. Registration is done via the competition page on our website. Here you need to register the steam nicknames, your team name and your seat numbers. Teams are allowed to use 1 substitute who needs to be made known beforehand. Spectator switching isn’t allowed.
Game settings:
- Map: DFH Stadium
- Team size: 3
- Allow Spectators: On full permission of both teams
- Name: 666-LAN Game [your match number] (ex:666-LAN Game 5)
- Password: 666
- If a player disconnects in the first 30 seconds of the match and the score is still 0-0, then a restart is allowed.
- Be aware: a game may only start when both teams have 3 players ready on the server!
- Spectators are only allowed if both teams agree to this.
- Spectators are only allowed to join at the start of a game, not when the game is already in progress.
- Admins or casters are allowed to join anytime as a spectator.
- A screenshot is mandatory at the end of each game as proof of your victory. These screenshots need to be kept during the whole compo.
Compo structure:
<= 7 teams: 1 big group stage, every team plays a BO3 against every other team. Ranking will be based on the amount of wins. Ties will be settled via a decider match. The first two teams play a BO7 final on stage.
>= 8 teams: the compo will be held via the following rules:
- Group phase: Teams are divided in groups of 3-4 teams (depending on the amount of registrations) and will play BO3’s. The 2 best teams of each group go forth to the knockout phase.
- knockout phase: We play via the principle of a double elimination.
- upper bracket matches: BO3
- upper bracket finale: BO7
- Lower bracket matches: BO3
- Lower bracket Semi-Finals: BO5
- Lower Bracket Finale: BO7
- Grand Final: BO7 (Winner of the upper brackets gets a 1-0 head start)
1st price
2nd price
3rd price
Coming soon!